日間照顧中心的口腔保健照顧——以健順體系為例 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
廖慧媛,李梅英,施孟儀,王凰燁,口腔保健,健口瑜珈操,日間照顧中心,失智和失能,高齡者,oralhealth,oralyoga,daycarecenter,dementiaanddisa,月旦知識庫,整合十大 ...
英文摘要Lots of researches and studies which emphasize on oral health and hygiene reveal that a well oral promotion program could reduce the aggravation and the morbidity of disease, and also could promote oral health and life quality in the same time. Therefore, the oral health of elders becomes an important issue, especially for the elderly with dementia whom suffer from cognitive and expressive decline. According to this concept, this study generalizes some conclusions which based on the oral care plans for elders of dementia and disability in the daycare center of Jiangsu system. The conclusions are listed below: 1) Supply water at regular time could increase the oral moist and decrease the oral smell. 2) Provide different oral caring depends on its diverse decline condition. 3) Execute the oral yoga every day. At the end, according to the results, this study would provide some implications for caregivers who provide the care for elders.
財團法人台灣省私立健順養護中心 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
臺北市松山老人服務暨日間照顧中心 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
(02)2662 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
財團法人健順養護中心 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
財團法人台灣省私立健順養護中心 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
照亮居家照護!叡揚捐贈健順養護中心110組燈具 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
日間照顧中心的口腔保健照顧——以健順體系為例 | 北市公共場所AED急救網
臺灣社會工作專業人員協會 Taiwan Association of Social ... | 北市公共場所AED急救網
中山區AED位置:臺北市復華長青多元服務中心 一樓
中山區AED位置:臺北市朱崙老人公寓 老人公寓4樓
北投區AED位置:財團法人台北市私立陽明養護中心 辦公室前